Couples Therapy Cincinnati 

Learn more about the benefits of couples therapy

Our couples therapy in person and virtual sessions are specifically designed to help two people in a romantic partnership work through their difficulties, improve communication, and strengthen their relationship. Sessions are conducted by our licensed counselors.

During couples therapy, our therapist works with you and your partner to identify and address the underlying issues that are causing problems in the relationship. If you’ve experienced communication problems, trust issues, infidelity, lack of intimacy, parenting struggles, and differing expectations or values with your partner then couples therapy could be right for you. The goal of couples therapy is to help the couple improve communication, deepen the emotional connection, and develop the skills and tools needed to maintain a healthy, fulfilling relationship over time.

It can be helpful for couples who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship, such as frequent arguments, infidelity, lack of intimacy, or feeling disconnected from each other.

Couples therapy can also be beneficial for couples who are considering marriage or entering into a long-term committed relationship and want to establish a strong foundation for their partnership.

Couples therapy is not only for couples who are in crisis or on the verge of separation; it can also be beneficial for couples who are generally happy but want to enhance their relationship and ensure that it continues to grow and thrive over time.

Additionally, couples therapy can be helpful for individuals who are experiencing relationship issues but their partner is unwilling or unable to participate in therapy. In this case, individual therapy may be recommended to help the person better understand and address their relationship issues.

Our Treatment Focus

Our focus is to help individuals heal, grow, and become more aware of their inner strengths. We achieve this by providing a neutral safe space, listening to your concerns, and customizing a treatment plan.

Our Client Promise

We promise to be there for you every step of your journey. Our goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in life.

What are some benefits to expect from couples therapy?

Improved Communication: Couples therapy can help couples improve their communication skills and learn to express their thoughts and feelings in a more effective and respectful way.

Conflict Resolution: Together we can learn how to resolve conflicts in a constructive and healthy way, rather than allowing disagreements to escalate into arguments or lead to distance in the relationship.

Increased Understanding: Counseling can help couples gain a better understanding of each other’s needs, desires, and perspectives, which can help build empathy and deepen emotional connection.

Greater Emotional Intimacy: Over time couples can learn how to be more emotionally vulnerable and open with each other, which can deepen the emotional intimacy in the relationship.

Rekindled Romance: Couples therapy can help couples rekindle the romance and passion in their relationship by exploring ways to increase intimacy and improve the overall quality of the relationship.

Improved Trust: Therapy can help couples rebuild trust after a breach, such as infidelity or other forms of betrayal.

Stronger Partnership: By working together we can help couples build a stronger partnership by developing a shared vision for their future and learning to work together to achieve their goals.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities: Counseling can help couples develop problem-solving skills that can be used to address a wide range of issues in their relationship and beyond.

Better Mental Health: Couples therapy can help couples reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by providing a safe and supportive environment to explore and work through relationship challenges.

Couples therapy can be conducted in individual or group sessions and may involve ongoing sessions over a period of weeks or months, depending on the specific needs of the couple.

Ready to book?

The easiest way to get in touch with a counselor is through our contact page. If you still have unanswered questions about the therapy process head over to our FAQs page. Our Cincinnati based couples counselors are looking forward to working with you!