Counseling & Therapy Services 


Dealing with addiction of any kind can leave people feeling isolated, ashamed, and hopeless. You don’t have to deal with these struggles alone. No matter what stage of change you are in, we can meet you where you are and work to process through the possible root causes of the addiction as well as the current emotions you may be feeling. Addressing negative thoughts and feelings that often lead to addictive behaviors will increase self awareness and contribute to overall wellness. There is a road to recovery.

Anxiety and Depression

Experiencing worry, fear, or sadness is a typical part of life. However, if these feelings are persistent and consistently interfere with your day-to-day routine, seeking counseling can be beneficial. Anxiety and depression are common mental health struggles and often occur simultaneously. Through counseling and treatment, we can help you recover motivation, perspective, and joy that you once had in your life. You will learn skills and strategies to reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life. You do not have to do this alone…we can walk through this difficult season with you. Learn more about the benefits of receiving counseling for anxiety or counseling for depression.

What is ADHD? Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness in adults and in children. ADHD is often diagnosed in childhood, but it could persist into adulthood. While ADHD symptoms may differ slightly in adulthood than in childhood, it is important to take note if there are any ADHD symptoms that has been impacting your daily life. Treatment for children with ADHD includes addressing struggles inside and outside of the classroom, with peers, at home and also educating children about their strengths and weaknesses so they can learn more about themselves and live a life without the negative impacts of ADHD symptoms. As for adults with ADHD, the symptoms include but not limited to, struggling to manage time and commitments, and difficulties in engaging in conversations. These symptoms may affect interpersonal and/or intimate relationships, as well as completing daily tasks with ease. Wonder if ADHD has been impacting your life thus far? Don’t worry- We provide extensive assessments, monitor ongoing symptoms, and address struggles in your personal and professional life.

Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

An eating disorder is a mental health condition that affects a person's relationship with food and eating. It involves extreme behaviors, thoughts, and emotions related to food and body image. Eating disorders can manifest in different ways, such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. People with eating disorders may experience physical and emotional consequences, including malnutrition, dehydration, depression, and anxiety. Therapy can be an effective component to treating an eating disorder. Don’t suffer alone! Learn more about the benefits of receiving counseling for eating disorders.

Eating Disorders

Faith Based Counseling

The counseling relationship is always paramount to the success of therapy. In an ideal situation, both the therapist and the client relate to one another on varying levels in order to build an open and trusting therapeutic relationship that allows the healing to begin. Faith can be a huge part of a person’s identity. Many individuals state that their approach to life is influenced by their spiritual beliefs. So it makes sense that for those individuals, their emotional issues can have a strong spiritual component. For those clients whose lives are guided by their faith, it can often be critical to their healing for their counselor understand their faith in order to fully appreciate their background, morals, and choices. As faith-based counselors, we will apply evidenced based counseling techniques while integrating faith principles in the sessions as a way to optimize the treatment program. Learn more about the benefits of faith based and Christian counseling.

Grief and Loss

Grief is a reaction to major loss or change in our lives. We will all be faced with some form of loss throughout life and you my feel a range of emotions while processing through the event. Sometimes, we may feel as though we are grappling with the loss for longer than we expected or that the pain seems unbearable even after significant time has passed. Grief counseling can help you to cope with the intense emotions you may be feeling and integrate the grief into your everyday life. Grieving is a process and every person grieves on a different timeline. We can help facilitate the process and teach you skills that will be helpful in progressing through the normal stages of grief. Learn more about the benefits of receiving grief counseling.

Life can often be unpredictable. At some point in life, most individuals are faced with a period of change. Whether that change is a result of divorce, loss of job, aging parents, a new baby, empty nesting, or a career transition, counseling can help to explore and resolve the feelings associated with the uncertainty that accompanies transition. We can help you come to realize that growth often comes from periods of change. Learn more about the benefits of receiving counseling for difficult life transitions.

Life Transitions

Low Self Esteem/
Low Self Confidence

We begin to build our sense of self at a young age. As children, we tend to adopt negative beliefs about ourselves that we learn through the words and/or actions of others. These beliefs become our inner voice, telling us the ways we aren’t good enough. If these beliefs are never challenged and untwisted, they may contribute to low self-esteem. Low self-esteem can negatively affect both your personal and professional life. By examining your current thought patterns and building upon your strengths, you will be able to replace negative beliefs with beliefs that are true. In turn, you will begin to build self-confidence and self-love. Learn more about the benefits of receiving counseling for low self esteem.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or obsessive-compulsive tendencies can be some of the most difficult and painful psychological experiences one can endure. While OCD includes some of the more common obsessions like hand washing, it comes on a continuum and can include obsessive patterns of thinking that can be as equally distressing. In treatment, we can develop an understanding of the biological and psychological contributors to obsessiveness, learn to give ourselves the patience we need, and resist the tempting urges that OCD has us feel. Learn more about the benefits of receiving counseling for OCD.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

While parenting can be rewarding and bring you joy, it can also leave you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Through counseling, parents can learn new skills and receive guidance. Parents who have experienced current or past mental health issues that may be unresolved are at a higher risk of experiencing parenting issues. Because of this, counseling will help you to work on taking care of yourself as well as your children in a way that makes you feel empowered. We understand that each family structure is unique and comes with a unique set of circumstances, and we welcome all types of families (LGBTQ+, families of foster/adoptive children, single parents, step parents, blended families, etc.). Learn more about the benefits of receiving counseling for family related issues.

Parenting Struggles

Relationship Difficulties

Counseling for relationship difficulties can be beneficial when clients are experiencing issues with important people in their lives, while going through a transition in a relationship, or when experiencing strain between two or more of your roles (spouse, parent, employee, etc.). Learning how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries, identifying dysfunctional relationship and thought patterns, processing through emotions related to relationships, and working to build communication skills through treatment will help strengthen your current relationships and help you to be successful in new relationships. Our team of therapists can help with general couples therapy, premarital counseling, marriage counseling and other forms of relationship counseling.

In today’s world, we all experience stress from varying sources in multiple ways. Stress can affect not only your mental health, but your physical health as well. A small amount of stress can be healthy for us, but it is important to recognize when too much stress is negatively impacting your daily life. Counseling can offer clients a place to process through stress-inducing situations and teach different strategies to better manage stress in order to live a more fulfilling and enjoyable life.

Stress Management


Certain clients prefer Telehealth sessions instead of in-person treatment for a variety of reasons. Therefore, we offer online sessions through a HIPAA compliant platform as a means of servicing those such clients. Online sessions are held from the safety and privacy of your own home and have proven to be as effective as in person counseling.

Many individuals can experience symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few of the emotions that can linger after a traumatic event. We can help you overcome these symptoms and guide you through the process of grief and healing. In some cases, EMDR is used to treat past and present trauma. You do not have to suffer alone anymore…we can help. Learn more about the benefits of receiving counseling for trauma and PTSD.


If you are looking for support and guidance through a challenging situation, past or present, or you are just ready to change your trajectory for the future, we can work with you to achieve your counseling goals. So pick up the phone or email us to schedule a free 15 minute consultation!

Our team of counselors is ready to help guide you through this difficult time in your life. You can read more about our counseling practice here.

If you have questions about how the therapy process works, our therapy FAQs page provides a lot of information on the subject.