Self Esteem Counseling

Learn more about self esteem counseling below ↓

Are you interested in low self esteem counseling? Our team of experienced counselors are here to help. If you are experiencing persistent negative feelings about yourself that don't respond to self-care, it may be time to consider seeking counseling for low self esteem or low self confidence.


This can be especially important if you are feeling overwhelmed, angry, ignored, experiencing mood swings or are feeling taken advantage of in relationships. If you have a history of other underlying mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, these may be contributing factors to low self esteem and seeking counseling may be beneficial.


For individuals experiencing any of the items outlined below there’s a good chance that low self esteem counseling could be helpful:


Persistent negative self-talk: If you find yourself constantly criticizing or putting yourself down, counseling can help you identify and challenge these negative patterns of thinking.


Difficulty setting boundaries: People with low self-confidence may struggle with setting boundaries and standing up for themselves. Counseling can help you develop assertiveness skills and learn how to communicate your needs effectively.


Fear of failure or rejection: Low self-confidence can often be accompanied by a fear of failure or rejection. Counseling can help you explore the root of these fears and develop strategies for managing them.


Social anxiety: People with low self-confidence may also struggle with social anxiety, which can make it difficult to connect with others or engage in social situations. Counseling can help you develop social skills and confidence in social situations.


Relationship issues: Low self-confidence can impact your relationships with others, making it difficult to form healthy connections or maintain boundaries. Counseling can help you identify and address these issues, leading to healthier relationships.


If you’re struggling with the issues outlined above, our team of counselors is here to help. Counseling can have a positive impact on your mental health and well-being.

Our Treatment Focus

Our focus is to help individuals heal, grow, and become more aware of their inner strengths. We achieve this by providing a neutral safe space, listening to your concerns, and customizing a treatment plan.

Our Client Promise

We promise to be there for you every step of your journey. Our goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in life.

What are some benefits to expect from self esteem counseling?

Improved self awareness: counseling can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, allowing you to better understand the root of your low self esteem issues.


Increased self esteem: we can help you develop a more positive self-image, leading to increased self esteem and the freedom to be yourself.


Better relationships: Improved self esteem can lead to better relationships with others, as you become more confident in your interactions.


Enhanced problem-solving skills: therapy can help you develop better problem-solving skills, allowing you to more effectively manage challenges and stressors contributing to your low self esteem challenges.


Improved communication skills: working with a counselor can help you develop better communication skills, allowing you to express your needs and feelings more effectively.


Reduced anxiety and depression: counseling can help you manage potentially associated mental health issues such as anxiety and depression that may be contributing to your low self-esteem.


Increased self-acceptance: our therapists can help you develop greater self-acceptance, leading to a more positive self-image.


Increased resilience: counseling can help you develop greater resilience, allowing you to cope more easily with setbacks and challenges.

Ready to book?

The easiest way to get in touch with a counselor is through our contact page. If you still have unanswered questions about the therapy process head over to our FAQs page. Our team is based in Cincinnati but can also provide counseling services virtually. We look forward to helping work through your low self esteem issues with the counseling services you deserve.