Common Counseling Questions

How does therapy work?

Counseling is a collaborative and interactive process that establishes a confidential relationship between the counselor and client. The client identifies their therapeutic needs and together, the counselor and client create goals. When the relationship is effective and both parties are engaged in the process, therapy helps to provide insight into current problems and work through old patterns and learn new coping tools while facilitating the necessary change for healing and restoration.

Our clients become more resilient, more comfortable with who they are and have better relationships. If you want to uncover your strengths, face your issues head on, and create a happier, more fulfilling life, counseling is for you.

Do I really need counseling even though I have handled my problems in the past myself?

Everyone goes through challenging situations in life, and while you may have always successfully navigated through other difficulties in the past, there are times when you may need some extra support to get through the challenges more quickly or with greater success. Seeking therapy requires courage. seeking help shows self awareness and acceptance that you may need change in your life. Challenges we face in life can often necessitate the need for new skills in order to overcome them. Counseling can provide you with the experienced guidance you need to be successful.

Learning new skills, learning to put those skills to use daily, and navigating obstacles together with your therapist is a smart investment in yourself.

How will therapy help me?

There are a number of benefits in engaging in counseling. Our therapists can provide support, insight, problem solving skills, and enhanced coping strategies. Many people also find that counselors can be a valuable asset to helping manage relationship difficulties, parenting struggles, life transitions, personal growth and the hassles of daily life. Counselors can provide a new perspective on a difficult problem or guide you to a solution. The benefits you realize from therapy depend on how well you engage in the process and apply the tools that you learn in session to your daily living. Some of the identified benefits of therapy are:

  • New methods for coping with difficult feelings like anxiety, depression, grief and anger

  • A better understanding of yourself, your goals, and your values

  • Enhanced skills for improving relationships

  • A resolution to the issues that brought you to therapy

  • New ways to problem solve in your family or marriage

  • Improved communication and listening skills

  • Healing from past or present trauma

  • New ways to manage stress and anxiety

  • Increased self esteem and restored self confidence

  • Elimination of old behavior patterns and development of new ones

How often do I need to come to counseling?

.Each person is different and has a unique set of goals for therapy. Your therapist will tailor your treatment to your specific needs.

If you would like to address a specific concern, short term counseling works well. For more complex or long standing issues, several sessions may be necessary to achieve your desired outcome.

Most of our clients work with us for 4-5 months, either weekly or every other week.

What is the first session like?

Your first few sessions will establish a safe place for you to meet your counselor, discuss your goals, and ask questions. Because the client often feels nervous for the initial meeting, your therapist will meet you where you are. The session will instill a sense of security and comfort and will offer a space for whatever you might need in the moment. Just show up and be yourself. Your therapist will do the same.

How long is a therapy session?

Each session is 50 minutes.

Will our sessions be confidential?

Yes! Everything you discuss with your counselor in session is confidential except when your safety or the safety of another is threatened. No information is disclosed to a third party without prior written consent from the client with the following exceptions. We are mandated reporters by law and are obligated to report:

  • Actual or suspected child or elder abuse

  • Threats of serious harm to another person

  • An intention or plan to harm yourself

What does counseling cost?

Our per session fee starts at $125. Payment is expected at the time the services are rendered. We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express. Most HSA cards can also be used for payment.

Do you take insurance?

Rise from Within Counseling is a private pay practice and therefore, we do not accept insurance payments. Payment is expected at the time the services are rendered and we accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express. Most HSA cards can also be used for payment.

If you would like to use your insurance, we can provide a super-bill that you may submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. Because we do not accept insurance, we are considered an out-of-network provider and you should check those benefits in your plan.

Here are the reasons we have chosen not to take insurance:

  • A diagnosis will not go on your medical record. When insurance is used, your counselor is required to supply a diagnosis of a mental disorder which is then recorded in your permanent medical record. Many of our clients are not mentally ill, but instead are simply seeking help for a current problem or struggle. Additionally, certain common problems, such as grief or relationship difficulties, are not covered by most insurance plans. Finally, some individuals do not want to be labeled by a mental illness diagnosis for personal reasons, such as if they hold a sensitive job, are involved in a custody battle, or are trying to obtain life insurance.

  • Session details and notes remain confidential. Insurance companies have the right to access treatment plans and progress updates at regular intervals. Self paying your treatment protects your privacy. Because we do not accept insurance, we are the only party who has access to your sensitive information, unless you authorize sharing content with a third party (Subject to the exceptions required by law).

  • You are in complete control of your treatment. Insurance companies often determine the number of therapy sessions and the methods of treatment, in addition to which providers you are able to see. When you self-pay, you are in control and are in a better position to do what you need to do to get healthy.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Use our Contact Form, call us at 513-613-3828, or email us at

What is a Good Faith Estimate?

Under the Ohio Revised Code (Section 5162.80, effective January 1, 2022), you have the right to receive a "Good Faith Estimate” (GFE) which explains the estimated cost for your mental health treatment. Under this law, healthcare providers, including counselors, are required to give patients who do not have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for their services.

Please note that this Good Faith Estimate is only to offer transparency about the cost of your counseling. It does not commit you to seeing your therapist for a specified number of visits or a certain duration, nor does it preclude you from continuing treatment longer than the estimated timeframe. The frequency and duration of treatment is solely your decision.